Signing On

So in to the Building of Despair

I joined the queue just through the front door to announce my attendance to the plastic smiling lady at the reception desk. “Where is my money I have been waiting for over a week!” yelled the person standing in front of me as he was quickly ushered to one side and I was then able to make my self-known of my attendance and that I was ready to be processed. Take a seat over to your left I was asked. Once over there I squeezed on to the sofa between some one that was fast a sleep and a student who had brought with him a pick-nick. First sandwiches, then doughnuts all swilled down by a mug of tea poured from his flask. Did he know some thing about how long this wait was possibly going to be? Nothing was happening, there was on agent sitting at his desk staring blankly in to his screen, no doubt waiting for auction to end on eBay. Then other staff appeared all carrying pieces of paper; they sat down and proceed to move things about on their desks. This is now getting painful, we are all waiting and nothing is happening.

Finally, Mr Wood please, ah here we go… I sat down, “How is your job search getting on?” My advisor asked me, “Fine” I replied. “Ah yes I can see you have been applying for jobs listed on your job card” whilst every one waiting listened in. “Have you been looking on the internet?” “YES!” … “Oh there is something wrong with your claim, we don’t appear to have you on our system, you will have to telephone them’, I replied ‘aren’t you, you?’ “No you have to call them, would you like their number? “….
Sign here please Mr Wood, goodbye.

